Artists | Illustrators | SHOUT
(aka Shout)
was born in Pordenone in 1977. He studied art in Venice and illustration at the Istituto Europeo del Design in Milan, Italy.
Now, he works and lives in Milan.
- CNN - Coca Cola - Conde Nast Traveler - DIE ZEIT Magazine - Einaudi
- El Pais - ENI - L'Espresso - Esquire - Esso - Folio Society - Forbes
- Fortune - Glamour - Golf Digest - GQ - Guardian - Harpers Collins - Hermes
- Hollywood Reporter - Le Monde - Little Brown - MIT - Money -- Herald Tribune
- Le Monde - Los Angeles Times - National Geographic - Nature - New Republic
- Newsweek - Nissan - Penguin - Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - The Daily Telegraph
- The Economist - The Financial Times - The New York Times - The New Yorker- The Saturday Evening Post - The Times of London - The Wall Street Journal - The Washington Post
- TIME - Tucker Film - United Airlines - Volkswaghen - Wired - Yamamay
- Gold medal - Society of Illustrators
New York 56th
- Gold medal - Society of Illustrators
New York 54th
- Gold medal - Society of Illustrators
New York 51st
- David P. Usher Memorial Award -
Society of Illustrators New York 49th
- Gold Medal - Society of
Publication Designers
(aka Shout)
was born in Pordenone in 1977. He studied art in Venice and illustration at the Istituto Europeo del Design in Milan, Italy.
Now, he works and lives in Milan.
- CNN - Coca Cola - Conde Nast Traveler - DIE ZEIT Magazine - Einaudi
- El Pais - ENI - L'Espresso - Esquire - Esso - Folio Society - Forbes
- Fortune - Glamour - Golf Digest - GQ - Guardian - Harpers Collins - Hermes
- Hollywood Reporter - Le Monde - Little Brown - MIT - Money -- Herald Tribune
- Le Monde - Los Angeles Times - National Geographic - Nature - New Republic
- Newsweek - Nissan - Penguin - Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - The Daily Telegraph
- The Economist - The Financial Times - The New York Times - The New Yorker- The Saturday Evening Post - The Times of London - The Wall Street Journal - The Washington Post
- TIME - Tucker Film - United Airlines - Volkswaghen - Wired - Yamamay
- Gold medal - Society of Illustrators
New York 56th
- Gold medal - Society of Illustrators
New York 54th
- Gold medal - Society of Illustrators
New York 51st
- David P. Usher Memorial Award -
Society of Illustrators New York 49th
- Gold Medal - Society of
Publication Designers